October 31, 2013

OOTD: Halloween Overload

Ahh the day has finally come, Halloween :)
Every year my dad and sister do this insane display in our front yard, and this year we actually had a prop go up in flames from a busted light! It was a crazy night to say the least haha.

In other news, I thought since I've never done an outfit of the day before that I'd go ahead and throw something together finally, so here you are :D Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to dress up since I had to work later in the day, but I figured at least I could incorporate the Halloween spirit by going crazy on orange and black.

I'm by no means a fashion expert so most of the time my clothes won't match at all but I go by the rule of if I like what I'm wearing than who cares right :) As always I'll link what I can at the bottom!

romwe leggings halloween

lizzy fresh romwe leggings halloween

lizzy fresh romwe leggings halloweenlizzy fresh romwe leggings halloween

lizzy fresh romwe leggings halloween

lizzy fresh romwe leggings halloween


clockwork orange

romwe leggings

Leggings: Romwe
Cardigan: Target
Clockwork Orange Tank: Etsy {I don't believe this seller still sells on Etsy! :( }
Combat Boots: Target
Nerd Glasses: Claires
Irish Collada: Inherited From My Mom, not sure where to buy
Knuckle Ring: Target

Thanks for reading and Happy Halloween everyone! ^_^