Hello everyone! I know it has been quite a few days since you've heard from me on here, but you will soon know why in a future post ;) I just want to make sure everything is final before announcing it to everyone but I should have an answer for you all soon!
So I really wanted to start a new post idea on my channel, and I figured since it's nearing the end of 2013 already I would do a series of "Top 10" lists of my favorite things in 2013! :) Today I will be starting with bands I was absolutely obsessed with this year, so go ahead and give them a listen when you have time.
Note: All my top 10 lists will contain things I personally loved or got obsessed with at one point of the year, not only things that came out this year! You will see everything from things that were released a month ago to something 30+ years old.
(No order):
1.) Coheed and Cambria {Progressive rock}
Song to try out: Key Entity Extraction III: Vic the Butcher
2.) The Smashing Pumpkins {Alternative rock}
Song to try out: The Everlasting Gaze
3.) STRFCKR {Indie electronica}
Song to try out: Mona Vegas
4.) System of a Down {Alternative Metal}
Song to try out: Questions!
5.) Dream Theater {Progressive rock}
Song to try out: On The Backs Of Angels
6.) Metallica {Heavy Metal}
Song to try out: Seek And Destroy
7.) Andrew Jackson Jihad {Anti-folk}
Song to try out: Love In The Time of Human Papillomavirus
8.) Band of Horses {Indie rock}
Song to try out: Factory
9.) Nirvana {Grunge}
Song to try out: Come As You Are
10.) Silversun Pickups {Alternative rock}
Song to try out: Panic Switch
I feel like most of these bands are pretty well known so this might be a bit of a boring top 10, but I love coming across new unique music so let me know your favorite bands too!
Thanks for reading ^_^