December 30, 2014

Christmas Morning Haul | 2014

So this year is finally coming to an end, which means that all the Christmas hype and holiday spirit is unfortunately wrapping up with it. The great news is we're all able to start enjoying our presents we've waited so long to open though, so I thought I would share a handful of the stuff I got this year too!

Overall, this was quite a tough year on our family financially, and therefore my mom said this would be quite a small Christmas for us all, but I'm super stoked about everything I received and I really couldn't be happier with the way this year ended. I'll do my best to list the products and where they're all from at the end of this post as well :}

The first couple things I got are a few stocking stuffers, including a bunch of different candy and new toothbrush. I also got a Sephora giftcard from my mom that I plan on using soon, as well as this nail wrap set that I've been wanting for quite a while! Its this really pretty, sparkly pink to yellow ombre  design and I'm really excited to use it soon as nail wraps for me are always super quick and easy but last forever.

My next set of items are a bunch of Zelda shirts from Hot Topic, which I have to say was really surprising to me. Last time I went in Hot Topic years ago, they were still primarily an all 'goth/scene' based store, but nowadays they actually carry some pretty incredible stuff, including a ton of gamer shirts like these ones as well as a ton of Disney and TV show stuff. I never thought I would be part of their target audience but they might actually become my go-to store for graphic tees now.

Probably my two favorite items out of everything I got is this sweet light up skull from Old Time Pottery I believe, and little sparkly red tray. Because I'll be moving out in the next few years, I've been really into home decor type things and I think these two pieces work perfectly together on my dresser. The skull runs on batteries so its convenient enough to have on display without cords hanging everywhere and I'll be using this tray to start displaying my pretty packaged beauty products on :)

My sister is huge into painting as a hobby and also gifted me this insanely adorable Yoshi canvas that she made, which is one of those presents you really can't put a price on :) I absolutely love this and have it hanging on my wall at the moment, and will continue to always have it in the house as I get older.

Both of these items are from Old Time Pottery from my Dad and Sister and suuuper out of the box, but I love the style of them both. The owl has that rustic feel that I love and will fit great with my style when I move out (since my current room lacks any real theme haha), and this campfire pit is totally unexpected and massive but I love the design on it and will probably be using it to hold my shoes until I can get some proper use out of it in my own backyard. They're both right up my alley and have definitely made themselves at home for the time being.

I'm not sure where either of these items are from, but I received them both from my boyfriends mom as she buys me a few small things every year :) I'm a huge plushy pajama pants fan so that's an automatic win for me, and I love the scent of this bath set so both will get well used.

Last but not least is The Sprite Bag by Pixelle from ThinkGeek that my boyfriend bought for me, which is hands down the cutest purse I've ever seen. I love how good of quality it looks and feels, while being very chic and displaying my gamer side. This is by far the most well made purse I've owned and I'm really hoping I can get a few years use out of it since bags usually die on me after just a few months. I have an unhealthy obsession with this bag now so if you're a fellow gamer out there, you might wanna check this one out :)

Apart from everything shown here, I will also be receiving $200 that I'll be splitting with my sister as well as Minecraft for the PS4 and a pillow (and a few candy items I've already eaten including astronaut ice cream, opps) but I'll show all of those items in a separate haul sometime in January, as I've already began to spend a bit of the money and pretty excited with what I've been finding.

I hope you guys all had a great Christmas and good year, and heres to seeing what 2015 will bring!

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