April 15, 2015

Kawaii Box | March 2015 & First Box!

Kawaii Box Monthly Subscription Service | $18.90 every month

Yeeees you guys, I actually subscribed to a new monthly service! I never thought I would subscribe to any let alone two now, but after getting Ipsy for a few months I thought it would be fun to sign up for one more, this time non-beauty related. So here we go, my first look at Kawaii Box, for March 2015!

Kawaii Box is a monthly subscription service that sends you 10-12 Japanese or Korean products once a month, that ships on the 20th and arrives 1-2 weeks later. I believe Kawaii Box is also one of the only services that ships you a box in the month you actually signed up, so if you sign up in April you don't have to wait another month for a box to ship to you which I think is pretty cool.

Kawaii Box costs $18.90 a month, which is slightly more than some services but they have free shipping worldwide so it works out to be worth it in the end. I don't believe there's a set value to each box, but it seems to be roughly $30-$50 each time according to the site.

They also don't give you a preview before receiving your box each month like Ipsy does to what might be inside, so its a total surprise every time you get it which I personally love! Being a surprise is the whole reason I like monthly subscription services, so its nice to see its not spoiled for you ahead of time.

In my box this month, I received 12 items, including a plush, button, pen, card holder, candy, hair pin, mini shape notepads, sheet stickers, nail clippers, printed envelope set, 3 piece decal set, and a ribbon kit.

I don't think I would say this box has a value of $30+, but I definitely think its worth the actual price I paid. These are items that I wouldn't be able to buy anywhere here in America, so thats an added bonus that I'm receiving things truly unique to Japan and one of a kind here in the states! The packaging of everything is absolutely adorable, and girly to the max which I'm digging.

I think my favorite items are the plush, the candy, the decals, and the nail clippers (because I just lost mine so this is perfect). The stickers are awesome too, since I can always find stuff in my room to smother in them :{D

This months pen is so cute and unique, and I've seen one included in many of the previous Kawaii Boxes so I think I'm gonna buy a little cup for all the ones I get and start collecting them on my vanity.

The only items I'm not 100% sure about are the ribbon type decoration in the yellow box and the envelopes, since I'm as far from creative as possible and have no current ideas to use them for. But, cute stuff can always find its way into my everyday life eventually :)

Overall, I'm really happy with my first Kawaii Box, and I'm suuuper excited to start collecting more Japanese items from them! I'm probably going to get a jar to put all the deco stuff in so I can keep it on display and remind myself to actually get those creative juices flowing more often.
Do you guys like the whole 'kawaii trend', or is it not up your alley?

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