Kawaii Box Monthly Subscription Service | $18.90 every month
Back with another Kawaii Box this month, we're taking a look at what came in my April 2015 box :) I know it seems really late to be an April box, but they usually ship out boxes at the end of the current service month and they take 2 weeks to arrive, so its definitely one downfall that boxes come so late! I'm pretty excited to share with you everything I got though because its all toooo cute.
This month I got an array of products once again, with the usual keychain plush, Asian snack food, and pen being some of the highlights of the box. This keychain is a cute little green cat, and the plushies are always by far my favorite thing included! I was super sad when I lost my melon from last months box after attaching it to my purse though, so I recommend only attaching these to things you generally keep at home or in the car since the chain isn't very sturdy on them :(
The pen has a cute little pony on the end and is in my favorite combination of colors, blue pink and purple. I love that they included a pencil pouch with little Alpacas on it too so now I can finally store all my Kawaii Box pens in the same place :D Its about to be cute overload reaaaal quick.
The Collon cookies were also fantastic, and I actually ended up finishing them in one sitting because they were so great which I rarely do with sweets haha. Its like a wafer shell with a matcha filling inside, which was my first time having matcha and I can already say I'm a big fan of it :) I'm also a green tea fanatic though so I kind of expected to love it.
Other items included were a 5 pack of glitters, a puffy sticker sheet, a pack of jewelry seal that go on phones and other devices, a super mini macaroon container, a plastic hair bow (which has become perfect for putting my bangs up while doing my makeup), a squishee paw print keychain, and a Rilakkuma shaped notepad.
I don't think theres anything in this months box that I didn't enjoy, except maybe the glitter pack onnnnly because it's literally starting to take over my room and getting all over everything haha. They're in such pretty colors that its hard to hate them though, I just don't have a clue what I could use them for.
Hope you guys enjoyed reading about this months box and happy Memorial Day to all of our veterans out there! If you like the things I recieved in my box but you don't want to subscribe to a monthly service, you can buy every item that Kawaii Box includes in their boxes at Blippo's website which will be linked below!
Shown Above: