June 1, 2015

Born Pretty Store | Site Review & Haul

These products were sent to me for review by Born Pretty Store*

One of my friends at work recently sent me a link to a site called Born Pretty Store and mentioned that they're really involved with beauty bloggers and that I should send in an application to see if they would like to work with me. Annnd guess what, I got approved! So while the products mentioned in this post were sent to me for free by Born Pretty Store to review, I hand picked them all so I knew exactly what I would be receiving and sharing with you guys :)


Born Pretty Store is very similar to a wholesale retailer, where they sell tons and tons of products for incredibly cheap, either singlely or in bulk. Many of the products I came across on their website were the same ones I had seen on places like Store Envy and Ebay for triple or quadruple the price, so by buying from their site instead you're going to be paying the absolute best prices you can for really unique products.

I was contacted back by the Jewelry, Accessory, and Hair leader of the website so that is the area that I got to choose products from. I found communication with her incredibly fast and friendly, so my assumption would be that any customer service through the website would be just as pleasing.


The shipping was much faster than I had expected, and only took about 2 weeks total all the way from Singapore to the US. Everything was also packaged very securely, with lots of tape and bubble wrap to keep all the products safe along the way.


Since I was allowed to pick up to 3 products, I went with this cool studded headband (100% inspired by Grav3yard Girl on Youtube by the way), a dragon cuff earring because I love anything mythical and medieval, and these faux silver earring plugs since I recently had to take my real plugs out.

My first impression of the products was that they felt really durable and good quality! I normally purchase from similar affordable sites like Born Pretty anyways, but there's always a little voice in the back of my head that says to be on guard because you never know what you're going to get with such cheap prices. Each item I got was far better than I had even hoped though and exactly as they were pictured, and very similar to things you would buy at big box retailers.

Studded Headband |

The stud headband might by my favorite item of the bunch just because I've seen it on Bunny so many times and I love how she rocks it in such a quirky way. The studs are also secured really tightly onto the band,  and no amount of tugging or pulling is gonna pull those babies loose! The band itself is a bit thin, but I think they did that on purpose for flexibility and comfort, which it achieves nicely.

Faux Plug Studs |

The faux plug earrings are also an item I've wanted for a long time, and they look convincing for real stretched ears when worn! They do have a little weight to them though so you can feel them on the ear, but they have a screw on back instead of a regular push back so its nice and secure.

Dragon Cuff Earring |

Lastly I got this dragon ear cuff, which immediately made me think of Skyrim so I had to pick it up. I've never owned an ear cuff before so I still have no idea how to properly put this thing on, but the metal on it doesn't bend or warp and fits my ear pretty good which I was excited about. Its also really detailed for the price and really surprised me with how well made it feels.

Overall, I've had an amazing experience with Born Pretty Store this time around and I'm so happy I had the chance to work with them! Between the great prices, fast shipping, and friendly staff, I would definitely recommend checking their site out and giving some of their products a go :) 

If you want to order from Born Pretty, use my code ZZYT10 for 10% off your entire order!

Shown Above:
