Personally, I think I'm a horrible gift shopper for other people. I tend to be pretty bad at surprises and knowing what my family or friends would like, so I prefer just getting a list with specific things so I know exactly what to buy to ensure they won't be disappointed.
With that said, my list to others is usually full of makeup products, so that's one area I have a pretty good idea of what to get! Because I don't have a ton of makeup lovers in the group I shop for, I thought it'd be fun to compile a list of what I would buy if everyone in my life was as obsessed with makeup as I am, and share it with you in case you need a few more ideas.
Sorry if I went a little overboard, I just looked up all the brands I love and ended up adding everything that caught my eye! I also tried only including products I've either personally used, or heard/read good things about. Let me know if any of these products are on your wishlist, or if you'll be buying one for someone else this Christmas. Happy holidays!