Hey everyone! It's finally time for that big announcement I mentioned in my last post: I'm moving houses! :}
I know I've been pretty absent from the blogger world for a week or so now, but my parents have been looking for a new house for quite a while and after checking a ton out we finally found one that seems perfect for us.
Sadly, I probably won't be on here very much during the process since I'll be packing and setting up my new room but the really awesome news is that in my new house I'll have an entire basement to myself and small connected bathroom so I'll definitely be taking advantage of that and doing many more posts in the future :} It opens up a whole bunch of new stuff for me to upload and talk about on here like whats in my shower, face routine, designing/set up, etc so I'm really excited about it all, just be patient with me through the process and hopefully at the end it'll all work out for a much better blog with a larger variety of posts that everyone can find helpful :)
As an expected date I'll be back to regularly blogging, we're hoping to be moved in around the first of December so look for some new posts around then :)
Thank you all for reading and I'll talk to you again as soon as I can! ^_^