November 24, 2013

Wintery Weather Haul & Update

Hello hello again :D I was missing the blogger world insanely much while in the process and stress of all this moving and packing for my new house, so I thought I'd do a small little post on a few things I picked up for the winter weather that has been slamming us here in Ohio lately! I'm still not moved into the house yet so my posts are still going to be few and far between, but the date that we get the keys is quickly approaching and nearly all of my things are packed so I promise I'll be back very soon :D I have a ton of posts lined up once every thing is settled in and I have time again so as always stay tuned :)

Now for the haul! These are pretty much all the essentials I'll be using up during the winter months, so hopefully it gets you out there to pick up your stuff too before the real cold begins :>

Ah I just realized I forgot to get a picture of everything together since I was having a lighting problem and all my new camera stuff is already packed up :( As an overview I bought:
2 pairs of shoes
1 Sweatshirt
1 Pair of Sweatpants


I really didn't expect to like these sweatpants because I'm not big on baggy pants and I thought the color would be too light and unflattering but I actually really like them! They fit much more snug than you would expect too which I like, pretty comparable to a skinny jean fit.
These are made of a fairly thick and warm material that should be absolutely fine for winter, but if I ever feel I need some extra warmth if the weathers worse than usual I'll always throw on a pair of plain leggings under all my pants! I especially do this with my printed leggings as they tend to be extrememly cold, so doubling up is always the way to go ;)
Insanely happy with the quality of both these and the furry boots from being so cheap at Target! They both feel much more durable than previous shoes I've purchased from there and I'm so in love with both of these pairs :)))

These double as headphones too! The headphone jack comes seperated from the actual earmuffs so you don't constantly have a cord dangling from your ear if you don't feel like listening to music that day.

These are touchscreen compatible for those of you like me that want to stay warm but still be able to surf your phone :P
Shown Above:

Moccasins - Target
Furry Black Boots - Target
Lion Sweatshirt - Choies
Skinny Fit Sweatpants - Target
Earmuff Headphones - Target
Gloves - Target

With my order from Choies I also got this awesome little pamphlet with a bunch of ways to style different clothing pieces that they sell and I thought it was such a neat idea to add to the order! It really helps people like myself who aren't all that great at matching and pairing outfits haha, I always seem to never know where to begin when it comes to pairing pieces together so I'm definitely going to get some inspiration from this.

Once I'm settling into my new house I'll make sure to post some outfit of the days using everything I bought so you can see it on as well, I'll try to get them up within two weeks! Thank everyone so much for all the patience with all this delayed stuff.

Thanks for reading and talk to you guys soon! ^_^